Friday, October 31, 2014

help wanted dress

i will admit that, at each beginning of a wardrobe season, i need help getting dressed. so, yes, i wear outfits created by others, usually designers' stylists. not very creative, i will grant. but better this crutch than standing paralysed in my skivvies in front of my closets knowing not what to wear for days on end (or, more realistically, minutes on end). i do what i have to do. besides, i know that creativity will catch up to me eventually.

i am wearing the alpen top, the positano skirt and the aha jacket by kaliyana. my dress and pullover are by grizas via kaliyana. i am wearing the rider boot (closed collection) by trippen.


Sue said...

Love this outfit, mind you I am a sucker for anything with spots on it!!

wardrobetales said...

sue: i too am a sucker for spots!