Saturday, May 25, 2024

week 21 new looks: planning and winging it

sometimes i plan what i am going to wear. i mull over a few options, thinking about things like the weather, the occasion and my "clothing mood" at the time (i.e., pants, skirts, casual, more dressed up, etc.). i may even do a dress rehearsal with a few outfits. other times, i just wing it. i pull something out of the closet, put it on, do a mirror check and go. i don't know whether one approach to getting dressed is better than the other. because both have led to successes and failures. and i am not sure that one approach is associated with more successes (than failures) than the other -- i haven't done any kind of systematic check. in any event, this past week i resorted to both approaches to getting dressed. the planning approach resulted in a successful outfit. the wing it approach gave me a failure.

i am wearing rundholz dip 124. 

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