Saturday, January 21, 2023

week 3 new looks: so far so good

i would like to say that i never make a bad clothing (or accessories or footwear) purchase -- the acquisition of something that i feel is so wrong for me. but the truth is i make lots of bad clothing (and accessories and footwear) purchases. sometimes i recognize a bad purchase as soon as i bring the item home and try it on there. these are the "lucky" bad purchases -- while it is an inconvenience to have to return something, at least a return can be made. in some ways, the experience of the bad purchase can be erased/made to go away.  when too much time passes before i recognize a bad purchase, or the recognition of a bad purchase requires actual use of an item before it kicks it, these are the "unlucky" bad purchases. the purchase cannot be fully reversed -- whatever i do with the item -- re-sell it or donate it -- i really cannot get back the outlay (nor should i be able to necessarily). it is getting close to the time in a clothing season when i start recognizing hitherto unrecognized bad purchases. i used to hate this time in a clothing season. i used to feel like a failure and question my ability to dress myself. but as i live through more and more of these times, i am starting to accept them as an inevitable part of my clothing experience. on the whole, i get things right for me. and if i make a mistake, so be it.

i am wearing rundholz dip 222.

1 comment:

Pricklypear said...

When you decide to resell an unlucky purchase, where do you do it? Online or at a consignment store? If online, I would love to know because I think your taste is just perfect and I would be keen to help relieve you of your mistakes. ;)