Monday, August 29, 2011

Western Chelsea Boot

As I was walking to the subway this morning, it occurred to me that the boots that I was wearing could be described as a Chelsea boot, in that there are elastics on both sides of the boot.  So, a western Chelsea boot?  The outfit that I wore today was thrown together last night, but it is obviously so unremarkable that, this morning, when I woke up, I could not for the life of me remember it.  At least not until I opened one of my wardrobes and spotted the lavender dress.  Then it came flooding back.  Real lucky for me, because I only have two work appropriate outfits thought out (not including this lavender one) for this week and four work days this week to dress for.  If I don't come up with another work appropriate outfit within the next two days, I don't know what I will do come Thursday.

Moving away from the mounting panic of what I will do come Thursday, I bought the neatest cardigan yesterday.  It's one of those pieces of clothing that is so versatile that it comes with an instruction sheet featuring all the ways it can be worn.  I have only tried two of the ways that it can be worn and I already love the cardi to bits!  I might wear it on Friday, weather permitting.

I am wearing an old Urban Renewal blouse under an old JCrew dress.  Peeking out from underneath the dress is a petticoat from American Apparel.  My bag is from H&M and my boots are old Fluevogs.

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