Saturday, May 12, 2012

you are getting sleepy jumper dress

the look:

plaid dress - vintage
jumper dress - old zara
pants - old susan harris design
jacket - old anthropologie
beret - old american apparel
oxfords - old john fluevog

the tale:

i am not sure how i am going to survive summer -- especially if it proves to be as hot and sticky as it has been the past couple of years -- given my current obsession (penchant? love for?) layering. Lighter layers perhaps? i suppose i should be grateful that summer -- by which i mean that hot and sticky weather -- is still a couple of months away. in the meantime, i can layer to my heart's content! and speaking of layering (which i actually have been since the start of this post, so bad segue), it just occurred to me that when i go through my wardrobe with an eye to purging (sorry, downsizing), i should really be evaluating pieces, not so much for their wear-on-their-own-ability, but more so for their layer-ability. now, really, why didn't i think of this sooner?

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