Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Scorching Sunshine Dress

Lately, I am finding that I am such a scatterbrain.  Take this morning, for instance.  I awoke, got up, got dressed and left home for my usual breakfast haunt before work, feeling pretty good about what I had elected to wear.  While I was having breakfast, browsing through some blogs, as I am wont to do during breakfast, something in one of the blogs reminded me of a pair of shoes that I have.  (Or used to have.  Did I take them to the charity shop during one of my impulsive closet cleanings?  I made a mental note to check on this when I got home that evening.  First appearance of me the scatterbrain.)  Thinking of these shoes immediately made me think of this particular dress that I have (not the one that I wore today).  (Yes, I really do have this dress.  In my mind, I can see exactly where it is in my bedroom.)  Then ... OMG!  I was supposed to wear that dress today!  I remember thinking of wearing it today as I was drifing off to sleep last night, thinking how much more perfect it would be than the dress that I did end up wearing today, which I had also planned on wearing today, but that was before I thought of the other dress.  Second appearance of the scatterbrain.  Anyone know of any remedies for a scattered brain?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE! looks very nice on you.