Sunday, February 5, 2023

week 5 archive looks: the snowball effect

i start the day with a top and trousers (or skirt or jumper dress). then time goes by and i start realizing that i won't be warm enough wearing just that. so i add another layer. then more time goes by and i start realizing that i won't be warm enough with that one layer. so i swap it out for (what i hope is) a warmer layer. then even more time goes by and i start realizing that the warmer layer won't do the trick. so i put both layers on. i will stop there ... for now.

with the exception of the shoes, cardi, puffer liner, hat and bag, i am wearing rundholz dip 217. the shoes are rundholz dip 222, the cardi is rundholz black label 222 and the puffer liner is rundholz 219. the hat and bag are off label (not rundholz).